Friday 26 February 2010

Major-General Charles 'Hindoo' Stuart 1757/8 - 1828

Oh, what colour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can hardly wait.

I wonder if the forum can help with the following question. Can anyone provide me with further information on Charles 'Hindoo' Stuart. He is buried in South Street Cemetery, Kolkata (Calcutta). His tomb is in the shape of a Hindu temple. Is there a cemetery in South Street?

Stuart was a relative of my great-grandfather's second wife's family. If you are interested in the remarkable life of 'Hindoo' Stuart please look at The Dictionary of National Biography (Vol 53). Stuart left an impressive collection of art works to the British Museum, and is known as the Bridge collection. I will make a point of heading to Calcutta at the end of the year.

1 comment:

  1. sir, you must have, but if you havent, do check William Darylmple's White Moghuls for Charles Hindoo Stuart. You must know that it is he who brought the Gurkhas into the British Indian army. He along with Warren Hastings were rare men. of that era who comprehended abstract Hindu philosophy, cherished and practiced it.Men now forgotten or misunderstood by both East and West but who were true champions for both cultures way ahead of their times.
